Bibliografía completa
Anchors on the Uluburun Bronze Age shipwreck.
por Angela Croome
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: International journal of nautical archaeology, v. 40, no. 1 (2011), p. 199-200
Musings from a distant shore: the nature and destination of the Uluburun ship and its cargo.
por Eric H Cline; Assaf Yasur-Landau
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Tel Aviv, v. 34, no. 2 (2007), p. 125-141
The Uluburun shipwreck: an overview
Idioma: English
Publicación: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, v27 n3 (199808): 188-224
Base de datos: CrossRef
The provenance of some glass ingots from the Uluburun shipwreck
por C M Jackson; P T Nicholson
Idioma: English
Publicación: Journal of Archaeological Science, v37 n2 (201002): 295-301
Base de datos: CrossRef
The conservation of glass ingots from the bronze age uluburun shipwreck
por Anastassiades A.; Ellis L.
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Studies in Conservation, v53 n4 (2008 12 01): 225-237
Base de datos: Copyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. Todos derechos reservados
Uluburun shipwreck stowaway house mouse: molar shape analysis and indirect clues about the vessel’s last journey
por T Cucchi
Idioma: English
Publicación: Journal of Archaeological Science, v35 n11 (200811): 2953-2959
Base de datos: CrossRef
Uluburun – the discovery and excavation of the world’s oldest known shipwreck
por N Fawcett; J C Zietsman
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Akroterion, v46 (Dec 2001): 5-20
Base de datos: SA ePublication Journal Collection
On the Structure and Composition of Copper and Tin Ingots Excavated from the Shipwreck of Uluburun
por Andreas Hauptmann; Robert Maddin; Michael Prange
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. no. 328, (2002): 1
Editorial: [Ann Arbor, Mich., etc.] American Schools of Oriental Research.
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
The uluburun tin ingots and the shipment of tin by sea in the late bronze age Mediterranean
por Pulak C.
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: TUBA-AR, v12 n12 (2009 12 01): 189-207
Base de datos: Copyright 2013 Elsevier B.V. Todos derechos reservados
Pomegranates in eastern Mediterranean contexts during the Late Bronze Age
por Cheryl Ward
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: World Archaeology, 34, no. 3 (2003): 529-541
Editorial: Taylor & Francis
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
Bronze Age shipwreck snails from Turkey: first direct evidence for oversea carriage of land snails in antiquity
por F W Welter-Schultes
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Journal of Molluscan Studies, 74, no. 1 (2008): 79-87
Editorial: Oxford University Press
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
Forms of payment in the Amarna Age and in the Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya shipwrecks
por Graciela Gestoso Singer
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Ugarit-Forschungen. 42, (2010): 261
Editorial: Kevelaer, Verlag Butzon & Bercker.
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
Vessel Volumetrics and the Myth of the Cyclopean Bronze Age Ship
por Christopher M Monroe
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, v50 n1 (2007): 1-18
Base de datos: Arts & Sciences VII
The Absolute Chronology of Late Helladic III A2 Revisited
por Malcolm H Wiener
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: The Annual of the British School at Athens, v98 (2003): 239-250
Base de datos: Arts & Sciences V
A review of microbial deterioration found in archaeological wood from different environments
por Robert A Blanchette
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, v46 n3 (2000): 189-204
Base de datos: ScienceDirect
Aegean Interest on the Uluburun Ship
por Christoph Bachhuber
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: American Journal of Archaeology, v110 n3 (Jul., 2006): 345-363
Base de datos: Arts & Sciences II
Pomegranates in Eastern Mediterranean Contexts during the Late Bronze Age
por Cheryl Ward
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: World Archaeology, v34 n3 (Feb., 2003): 529-541
Base de datos: Arts & Sciences II
Shipwrecks and maritime archaeology
por David Gibbins; Jonathan Adams
Idioma: EN
Publicación: World Archaeology, 32, no. 3 (2001): 279-291
Editorial: Taylor & Francis
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
Autonomous underwater vehicles as tools for deep-submergence archaeology
por C Roman; R Mather
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 224, no. 4 (2010): 327-340
Editorial: Sage Publications
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
New insights into the invasive process of the eastern house mouse (Mus musculus musculus): Evidence from the burnt houses of Chalcolithic Romania
por T Cucchi; A Bălăşescu; C Bem; V Radu; J -D Vigne; A Tresset
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: The Holocene, 21, no. 8 (2011): 1195-1202
Editorial: Sage Publications
Base de datos: ArticleFirst
Land Snails from an Ancient Shipwreck: The Need to Detect Wreck-Independent Finds in Excavation Analysis
por F W Welter-Schultes
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Journal of Archaeological Science, v28 n1 (2001): 19-27
Base de datos: ScienceDirect
Underwater archeology
por George F Bass; Donny L Hamilton
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Base de datos: ScienceDirect
Sunk Costs at Late Bronze Age Uluburun<
por Christopher M Monroe
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, n357 (February 2010): 19-33
Base de datos: Arts & Sciences VII
New investigations into the Uluburun resin cargo
por B Stern; C Heron; T Tellefsen; M Serpico
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Publicación: Journal of Archaeological Science, v35 n8 (2008): 2188-2203
Base de datos: ScienceDirect
Voyage from antiquity
por Jack W Kelley; Robert Dalva; Robin King; Institute of Nautical Archaeology (U.S.);
Video DVD
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: College Station, TX : Institute of Nautical Archaeology, [2000]
In pursuit of lost time: a tribute to all the spongedivers
por Özcan Arca; Zeynep Oral; Nurdan Arca; Genco Erkal; Akademi AAA (Firm); Ajans 21 (Firm); Documentary Educational Resources (Firm);
Video DVD
Idioma: Turco (tur)
Editorial: Watertown, MA : Documentary Educational Resources, ©2007.
Bronze age anatolia : uluburun shipwreck, 1900 bce near east mass migration, old assyrian empire.
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: [S.l.] : General Books, 2010.
The Uluburun shipwreck
por Cemal Pulak
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Das Schiff von Uluburun : Welthandel vor 3000 Jahren: Katalog der Ausstellung des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum vom 15. Juli 2005 bis 16. Juli 2006
por Ünsal Yalçin; Cemal Pulak; Rainer Slotta; Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum.;
Idioma: Alemán (ger)
Editorial: Bochum : Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, 2005.
The Oxford handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (ca. 3000-1000 BC)
por Eric H Cline;
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Beyond Babylon : art, trade, and diplomacy in the second millennium B.C.
por Joan Aruz; Kim Benzel; Jean M Evans; Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.);
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven : Yale University Press, 2008.
Our cups are full : pottery and society in the Aegean Bronze Age: papers presented to Jeremy B. Rutter on the occasion of his 65th birthday
por Jeremy B Rutter; Walter Gauss; et al
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Oxford : Archaeopress, 2011.
Analysis of the weight assemblages from the late Bronze Age shipwrecks at Uluburun and Cape Gelidonya, Turkey
por Cemalettin Mustafa Pulak
Tesis/disertación : Tesis de maestría/doctorado : Manuscrito Material de archive
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Uluburun gemisi: 3000 yıl önce dünya ticareti : 15 Ekim 2005-16 Temmuz 2006 tarihleri arasında Bochum Alman Madencilik Müzesi’nde (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum) düzenlenen serginin kataloğu
por Ünsal Yalçın; Cemal Pulak; Rainer Slotta; H Gönül Yalçın; Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum.;
Idioma: Turco (tur)
Editorial: Bochum : Deutsches Bergbau-Museum ; Ege Yayınları, 2006.
History’s mysteries : people, places, and oddities lost in the sands of time
por Brian Haughton
Libro : Biografía
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Franklin Lakes, N.J. : New Page Books, ©2010.
Res maritimae : Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean from prehistory to late antiquity : proceedings of the Second International Symposium «Cities on the Sea», Nicosia, Cyprus, October 18-22, 1994
por Stuart Swiny; Robert L Hohlfelder; Helena Wylde Swiny;
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, ©1997.
Tree-rings, kings, and Old World archaeology and environment: papers presented in honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm
por Sturt W Manning; Mary Jaye Bruce;
Libro : Publicación de conferencia
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Oxford ; Oakville, CT : Oxbow Books, ©2009.
Metals make the world go round : the supply and circulation of metals in Bronze Age Europe : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Birmingham in June 1997
por C F E Pare;
Libro : Publicación de conferencia
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Oxford : Oxbow, 2000.
Beneath the seven seas : adventures with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology
por George Fletcher Bass; Institute of Nautical Archaeology (U.S.);
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: London : Thames & Hudson, 2005.
Bronze age Anatolia : Uluburun shipwreck, 1900 bce near east mass migration, old Assyrian Empire.
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Editorial: Memphis, Tenn. : Books LLC, 2010.
Tracing the source of the elephant and hippopotamus ivory from the 14th century B.C. Uluburun shipwreck ; the archaeological, historical and isotopic evidence
por Kathryn A Lafrenz
Tesis/disertación : Tesis de maestría/doctorado : Manuscrito Material de archive
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
The weight of good measure : a reassessment of the balance weights from the Late Bronze Age shipwreck at Uluburun and new thoughts on the zoomorphic weights
por Rachael Dealy Salisbury
Tesis/disertación: Tesis de maestría/doctorado
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
Identification of corrosion products on copper alloy artifacts excavated from the late bronze age shipwreck at Uluburun (Kas), Turkey
por Mary Ellen McNamara
Tesis/disertación: Tesis de maestría/doctorado: Manuscrito Material de archive
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
George Bass dives for his own past
por John R Eastlund
Idioma: Inglés (eng)
The Uluburun Shipwreck
por C. Pulak
in S. Swiny, R.L. Hohlfelder and H.W. Swiny (eds), Res Maritimae: Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, Nicosia, Cyprus 18-21 October 1994 (ASOR Archaeological Reports 4, Atlanta 1997), 233-62
Shipwreck: Recovering 3,000-Year-Old Cargo
por C. Pulak
Archaeology Odyssey 2 no. 4 (1999: Sept./Oct.), 18-29
The Cargo of Copper and Tin Ingots from the Late Bronze Age Shipwreck at Uluburun
por C.Pulak
in Ünsal Yalç?n (ed),International Symposium ‘Anatolian Metal I’, (Der Anschnitt, Bochum, Beiheft 13, 2000), 137-57
The Balance Weights from the Late Bronze Age Shipwreck at Uluburun
por C. Pulak
in Metals Make the World Go Round(Oxford, 2000), pp. 247-66
Evidence from the Uluburun Shipwreck for Cypriot Trade with the Aegean and Beyond
por C. Pulak
in L. Bonfante and V. Karageorghis (eds), Italy and Cyprus in Antiquity, 1500-450 BCE (Nicosia, Cyprus 2001), 13-60
The Uluburun Hull Remains
por C. Pulak
in H.E. Tzalas (ed), Tropis VII. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity (27–31 August, Pylos) (Athens 2002), 615-36
A Bronze Age Shipwreck at Ulu Burun (Kas): 1984
por G. F. Bass
Campaign,» American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986), 269-96
Local and Interregional mobility and identity formation processes in the late bronze age, central Macedonia and Uluburun
por Ole Christian Aslaksen
en Forging Identities. The Mobility of Culture in Bronze Age Europe Report from a Marie Curie Project 2009-2012 with Concluding Conference at Aarhus University, Moesgaard 2012: Volume 2
Amarna and Uluburun: Reconsidering patterns of exchange in the late bronze age
por Federico Zangani
en Palestine Exploration Quaterly 148, 4 (2016) 230-244